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Treat hyperpigmentation in Portsmouth

How to treat hyperpigmentation in Portsmouth

Are you looking to treat hyperpigmentation in Portsmouth? Every woman wants the perfect skin, but as most of us know all too well, keeping our skin happy isn’t always as easy as it sounds. Do you suffer from age spots or melisma, for example? Treat hyperpigmentation and watch your self-confidence go through the roof, with skin rejuvenation treatments by Perfect Skin Solutions.

From cosmeceuticals to injectable treatments like Botox; for some people more than lotions and potions are required to treat hyperpigmentation. One of the most common skin complaints the aesthetics team hear about at Perfect Skin Solutions, hyperpigmentation can destroy your self-confidence – but fear not! Here at the clinic; we have the answer to your skin problems – whether it’s brown age spots or redness concerns, like melasma.
To treat hyperpigmentation it’s important to know what hyperpigmentation really is. We all know the effects that unprotected sun exposure can have on the skin; wrinkles and new moles can both be signs of sun damage, but age spots are also a common issue. We call these little dark skin areas hyperpigmentation. Treating sun damage and melasma (another type of hyperpigmentation) isn’t a one size fits all process, and we offer various treatments that can help ease the signs of sun damage treat hyperpigmentation.

Here are two ways to treat this condition here at Perfect Skin Solutions. To discover which one is right for you book a consultation with Dr. Dev Patel, the skin expert here at the Portsmouth cosmetic clinic.

Skin peels

  • Chemical skin peels continue to remain a popular form of skin rejuvenation and are an excellent choice for men and women looking for non-surgical solutions to treat hyperpigmentation.
  • Available in various strengths and offering varying results, chemical peels are great for patients hoping to rejuvenate their face and reveal youthful looking skin below.
  • This type of treatment is affordable and offers reliable results for both men and women.
  • You may require some time off work if you choose to have a deeper peel, but the results will be more than worth the down time.


  • Melasma areas are similar in appearance to age spots but are larger areas of darkened skin, which appear most often as a result of hormonal changes.
  • Pregnancy often triggers an overproduction of melanin that causes darkened skin on the face. Contraception pills can be another cause due to the kinds of hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy.
  • Cosmeceautical skincare can be prescribed after a consultation with Dr. Patel which can reduce the appearance of melasma, and for many women this can be the solution they need to treat hyperpigmentation without seeking invasive cosmetic treatments.

Perfect Skin Solutions is the perfect place to treat your skin concerns, whether it’s due to hormonal melasma or sun damage. We offer a wide range of options to treat you face, and have a dedicated team of experienced cosmetic experts on hand to offer you advice.
If you would like more information on how to treat hyperpigmentation then book your consultation with the Perfect Skin Solutions team in Portsmouth today.





Perfect Skin Solutions
