foot Condition
Corns and Calluses
Corns and Calluses are hardened layers of skin that develop from your skin's response to friction and pressure. These are classic examples of how a relatively small issue can pose a significant nuisance, from both the cosmetic perspective and more importantly, by causing persistent pain and thereby impacting function.
Corns and Calluses are generally caused by one, or a combination of, the following:
- Structural abnormalities of the foot e.g. flat feet, lesser-toe deformities and bunions
- Reduction of fatty padding beneath the skin
- Areas of high pressure over bony prominences such as toes and joints
- Areas of high pressure from unsuitable footwear (too short, narrow or shallow)
- Areas of high pressure as a result of abnormal gait
Corns: These are small circles of hardened skin. They commonly occur over the toes and soles of the feet. Usually associated with poorly fitting footwear or deformed toes/joints. However, corns can appear anywhere.
Callus: These are hard, rough areas of skin that are often yellow in colour. They are usually seen on the foot around the heels, balls of feet or tips of your toes. Any form of friction or pressure against the foot e.g. from the ground, shoe or even bone can result in the formation of callus. It is deemed to be protective tissue, however, if not kept to a reasonable thickness can become painful.

Why have your Corns and Calluses treated at Perfect Skin Solutions?
Our Podiatrist, Nishal Patel, has over 20 years of clinical experience. Patients commonly leave reviews saying how gentle and skilled her hands are; leaving them not only feeling they have never had a better result elsewhere but also that it was their most comfortable treatment ever. She takes into consideration that one treatment model may not be suitable for everyone; tailoring a treatment plan that is right for you. Nishal is also one of only a handful of podiatrists in the UK offering hyaluronic acid (fillers) treatment. This helps to replace the displaced padding under the skin which in turn reduces the pain and the size of the lesions. Whatever your needs, Perfect Skin Solutions will take the best care of you.
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