face/body Condition
Neck Bands
The platysmal muscle on the front of the neck constantly pulls downwards and can lead to the development of jowls or horizontal “necklace lines”. This can also give rise to prominent cords appearing vertically down the neck from the jaw and chin.
In selected patients, administration of BTX-A to these bands can give the visual effect of a mini-lift avoiding the need for surgery. This is combined with treatment to the underside of the jaw, thus improving the definition of the jawline. This procedure is often referred to as the “Nefertiti Lift”. Egyptian artefacts show Queen Nefertiti as having a perfect jawline and the term was thus coined in her name.
It may be beneficial to combine this with some volumising filler along the jawline, to help restore lost volume and thus support to the skin.

Why have your Neck Bands treated at Perfect Skin Solutions?
Botulinum Toxin-A (e.g. Botox or Bocouture) remains the number one anti-ageing treatment at Perfect Skin Solutions. We primarily use botox for PREVENTION & TREATMENT of lines & wrinkles. We always aim to give you a natural result; we do not support the frozen look.
Our doctors have many years of experience in using botox to treat Platsymal bands as well as other concerns like armpit sweating, teeth grinding/TMJ pain and migraines.
In our experience, “Botox” is still very misunderstood, even amongst patients who have been having it for some years. We often hear in consultation that “no-one has ever told me that when I have had Botox before!” Let us introduce you to a truly expert approach to this popular treatment.
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