face Treatment
Eyelid Lift
Heavy or baggy eyelids are a very common complaint and in fact, traditional surgical eyelid correction is the 2nd most sought-after cosmetic surgical procedure in the UK. Redundant skin due to ageing, long-term inflammation e.g. dermatitis or smoking results in descent of the upper eyelids. In early sagging, this still causes problems such as eye makeup smudging. Below the eyes, the skin can be creased and give the eyes a tired look.
Non-surgical blepharoplasty (eyelid and eye area lift)
We can use non-surgical options to tighten and improve the skin around the eyes. These treatments use laser and ultrasound technology to rejuvenate skin and collagen.
What non-surgical treatments lift eyelid skin?
Our favourite non-surgical eyelid lift options include Ultraclear, Sofwave, EndoLift, NeoGen, and Plexr.
Dr Patel is one of the pioneers of PLEXR in the UK. With this award-winning device, he can perform a “soft” surgical blepharoplasty. Therefore, without any needles or cutting of the skin, he can effectively remove excess skin from around the eyes.
Surgical blepharoplasty (eyelid lift)
Sometimes the surgical route is preferable, depending on the case. This could be due to the amount of excess skin on the eyelid. We have two very reputable surgeons who work with us, both have a wealth of experience and qualifications in their specialist fields. Our CQC registered surgery allows you to complete your whole journey with us from consultation to stitch removal. Learn more about eye surgery here.

Why choose Perfect Skin Solutions for your Eyelid Lift?
Dr Patel is currently UK Ambassador, Lead Trainer AND Global Key Opinion Leader and Trainer for Plexr® and Plexr Plus. Dr Dev Patel is the UK’s foremost expert in Plexr® and was the first doctor in England to offer Plexr®. He has also been invited to speak on Plexr® at both National and International cosmetic conferences and events. As of the start of 2020, Dr Patel had performed over 2,500 Plexr® procedures.
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At a glance
Treatment time
10 minutes -1 hour dependant on treatment
Dependant on treatment
Full recovery
10-21 days
Back to work time
Sensitivity period
5-7 days
Duration of result
Risks & complications
Very low risk; swelling, itching, hyperpigmentation