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minor surgery

body Treatment

Mole Removal

Unfortunately, over the last decade, more and more clinical conditions, such as mole removal have been removed from the NHS funding list, leaving patients without a cost-effective option for surgical management. From initial assessment through to treatment and follow-up, you will receive the very best in skincare. With our responsive virtual consultation service allowing fast-track preliminary assessment and diagnosis, we have more time to focus on your individual well-being.

Skin Lesion and Mole Removal

What is a benign Lesion?

The term benign lesion denotes a range of non-cancerous lumps, bumps and flat pigmented lesions. This includes moles, cysts, keratoses and callouses. Some of these might be irritating you, others may be causing cosmetic impairment or a perceived disfigurement. Removing these lesions involves a small minor operation performed under local anaesthetic (a numbing agent) whilst you remain awake.

What will my treatment involve?

The type of procedure your doctor uses will depend on the anatomical location of the lesion, its size, depth in the skin and whether histology is required. The procedure might involves complete surgical removal (and histology analysis), a curettage (the lesion is gently pared away), or shave excision. On initial assessment, your skin will be assessed under an illuminated magnifier (dermatoscope). Any diagnostic uncertainty will warrant a biopsy (taking a small sample) before the procedure to ensure an accurate diagnosis and safe removal.

What is a pre-operative assessment?

This is an opportunity for us to assess your skin and suitability for treatment. We’ll explain the treatment in full and ensure you are prepared. Some complex skin lesions, or those in more difficult areas may need to be referred to secondary care or a plastic surgeon. If we suspect skin cancer or there are concerns about the nature of your skin lesion we may refer you back to the NHS skin cancer pathway or address options for referral to dermatology.

What types of techniques will be used?

1. “Complete excision.” – This involves the removal of the entire skin lesion with a small perimeter of surrounding tissue. This is needed for larger, or deeper moles and is always used for suspected malignant lesions. Stitches are used to close the skin.

2. “Curettage” is a technique used to gently pare away the skin lesion and scoop it out. The subsequent scar will be approximately the same size as the original lesion and may be slightly indented depending on how deep the original lesion is.

3. “Shave Excision” this is a process that involves shaving the lesion with a fine blade so it is flush with the normal skin. Cautery is then often used to complete the procedure. The subsequent wound is left to heal naturally and does not require stitches. The scar will be about the same size as the original lesion. This method is often used for seborrheic keratoses, skin tags and some shallow moles.

How long will my treatment take?

Time will range from 15 minutes to 45 minutes depending on the procedure used.

What happens after my treatment?

One should try to avoid immediate exercise or stretching of the skin after the procedure. It is unusual to have complications after minor skin procedures, although a little discomfort, redness and weeping are to be expected. The local anaesthetic will wear off after 1-2 hours.


You will have a scar that will improve over 6 months, but full scar maturity takes 12-18 months. Scars initially remain red or pink but tend to fade over the ensuing months. Younger people tend to produce a scar which may stretch after a few months. Very rarely a scar may grow beyond its original boundaries in which case you will need to be seen again. It is imperative to try and keep out of the sun as any site of inflammation can become pigmented, especially in darker-skinned individuals.

Perfect Skin Solutions

Why choose Perfect Skin Solutions for your Mole Removal?

Our doctors have over 20 years of combined surgical experience, having performed over 2000 skin surgery and mole removal procedures to date, both in the NHS, military and private settings. Our primary principle is to do the least invasive treatment to get the job done, thereby ensuring the best possible cosmetic outcome. Our doctors employ a variety of specialized skin surgical techniques to achieve this aim. Check our FAQs to learn more about this. Drs Patel and Shrivastva carry out all surgical procedures between them, in our purpose-built surgical suites. We are also registered with the Care Quality Commission to carry out such procedures.


General Practitioner with Special Interest in Dermatology and Minor Surgery Dr. Shrivastva studied at Guy’s, King’s and St. Thomas’ Hospitals and obtained a first-class degree in Pharmacology before gaining accreditation in both Hospital Medicine and General Practice. Vivek went on to study postgraduate dermatology with an interest in medical aesthetics. He has 15 years of experience in minor surgery and cosmetic dermatology and still works in Portsmouth as a GP in Primary Care. He is a member of the UK Primary Care Dermatology Society.

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At a glance

Treatment time

10-30 minutes


Yes (Local)

Full recovery

0-7 days

Back to work time

Same/Next day

Sensitivity period


Duration of result


Risks & complications

Bleeding, infection, scarring, recurrence, incomplete removal.


Minor surgery assessment


Mole assessment

Assessment for your risk for skin cancer and examination of all moles to identify any abnormalities. This will consist of a visual and dermatoscopic examination.


Benign lesion & mole removal

(single mole) £50 per each extra mole

from £395

PLEXR mole removal

(price on consultation)

from £395

Full excision with stitches

(includes stitch removal appointment)

from £495

Full excision with sutures

(includes suture removal appointment)

from £495

Skin tag and blemish removal

from £100

Histology price per skin sample (if required)

For single specimen examination in laboratory. Each additional specimen at same appointment £50



  • This is dependent on the site of surgery, the type of lesion removed and the technique used.
  • You will usually be advised to apply petroleum jelly (Vaseline) from a new pot to the wound, to aid healing.
  • It is best to avoid getting the wound site wet for 24-48 hours but specific advice will be given to you at the time of the procedure.
  • Sun protection with a Zinc Oxide based formula is also advised to reduce the risk of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

Please note, the above aftercare is just a guide. Full aftercare advice will be given to you when you attend your appointment with us.

Before & After

Before & After

Mole Removal


  • Avoid ALCOHOL for 2-3 days prior to treatment and strenuous EXERCISE on the day of the procedure.
  • Some supplements and medicines can increase bleeding and bruising risk which include. Some of these are listed below and if you can stop these for 1 week prior to surgery, please do. NOTE, IF YOU ARE BEING PRESCRIBED ANY MEDICATION, YOU MUST DISCUSS THIS WITH OUR DOCTOR IN ADVANCE, WHO MAY ADVISE YOU TO STAY ON THE MEDICINE OR PERHAPS DISCUSS TEMPORARILY STOPPING IT WITH YOUR PRESCRIBING DOCTOR.
    • Aspirin
    • Ibuprofen
    • Aleve
    • Motrin
    • St. John’s Wort
    • Vitamin E
    • Multivitamins
    • Krill Oil, Fish Oils,
    • Flaxseed Oils
    • Omega-3
    • Gingko
    • Ginseng
    • Garlic
    • Glucosamine
  • There are certain prescribed drugs that may make you more susceptible to bruising as they are known to thin the blood. Some of the following medications are examples of “blood thinners”:
    • Rivaroxaban
    • Heparin
    • Warfarin
  • If you would like to reduce the risk of bruising further, eat fresh pineapple, as it contains Bromelain which has been known to decrease bruising. You can also take Bromelain supplements 2 weeks prior to injections. Some of our patients find it helpful to start taking Arnica tablets 5 days prior to their treatment date.
  • We recommend that you are well-rested and hydrated before your treatment. Please try to arrive at least 15 minutes prior (unless stated otherwise) so you are in a relaxed state before your injectable treatment.

Tags, moles – these are usually removed either with a surgical shave or by curettage (same principle as a shave but a curette is used to remove the surface lesion). This is then followed with cautery which is essentially a superficial burn of the wound site to stop bleeding and seal the wound with a carbon crust. This crust falls off – a little like a scab – around 5-14 days later.

Flat moles – if you cannot feel the mole ie it is flush with the surrounding skin, there is nothing to shave off. The main options we would use are PLEXR PLUS or a full excision (which requires stitches).

Cysts – these have to be fully excised out and you will have temporary stitches in place. We will book you an appointment to have these removed.

Please note: We are unable to give you an idea of the likely diagnosis or technique we would use, without a consultation. If you have a video consultation, the final decision to treat and how can only be made when you are seen in person.

In theory yes you can. However, Dr Patel will need full details of all your medication and medical history at the consultation, to allow him to best advise you on how things can proceed. If you are on warfarin, please bring your warfarin card with you, which gives information such as your recent and target INR values.


Perfect Skin Solutions
