skin Condition
Skin Moles are growths on the skin which differ from your natural skin tone and are generally brown or black. They can appear alone or in small clusters or groups. In general, skin moles appear in early childhood or the first 20 years of life.
Skin Moles are caused when cells in the skin grow in small clumps or clusters. These cells (melanocytes) produce melanin, which is the natural pigment which gives your skin its colour.
Most moles are harmless and rarely become cancerous and most people have between ten to forty moles at any one time. However, in some cases, albeit rarely, moles can become cancerous and so monitoring moles and other pigmented patches is an imperative part of your regular health maintenance and checks.
Unfortunately, over the last decade, more and more clinical conditions have been removed from the NHS funding list, leaving patients without a cost-effective option for surgical management.

Why have your Moles treated at Perfect Skin Solutions?
Dr Patel has over a decade of post-graduate skin surgery experience, having performed over 1000 procedures to date, both in the NHS and military as well as privately. His primary principle is to do the least possible to get the job done, thereby ensuring the best possible cosmetic outcome.
He employs a variety of specialized skin surgical techniques to achieve this aim. Dr Patel carries out all surgical procedures personally, in our purpose-built surgical suite.
Please note that currently we do not offer full excision surgery at this facility (i.e. cutting deep into skin and placing stitches). This is usually only required for cysts or suspicious moles. The latter need referral to a hospital and cysts can be referred to a nearby private facility for the procedure.
If your specimen requires histological examination, private lab fees will apply. This will be discussed prior to the procedure.
With more and more clinical conditions have been removed from the NHS funding list, patients are left without a cost-effective option for surgical management. At Perfect Skin Solutions, we have the answer.
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