face/body/skin Condition
Psoriasis is a skin condition affecting around 1 in 50 people in the UK*. Psoriasis presents with dry, flaky patches of skin that can sometimes have a scale-like appearance and can feel itchy and sore. The underlying issue is an abnormally fast skin cell turnover (7 times faster) leading to a thick, silvery scale and shedding of skin. For some people psoriasis can be a minor concern however for others it can have a significant psychological impact. It is a life-long disease that involves periods of time where it is inactive, followed by time where it becomes severely inflamed. In most people who suffer from this concern, symptoms are brought on by or become worse due to certain triggers such as injury, stress and medication amongst others. 90% of sufferers are better in the summer, most likely due to getting more vitamin D which is known to help. Psoriasis is not a contagious disease and cannot be spread to other people.
1 in 3 people with psoriasis may develop psoriatic arthritis, characterised by tenderness, pain and swelling in the joints and connective tissue.
*Statistics taken from NHS website

Why have your Psoriasis treated at Perfect Skin Solutions?
We are proud to offer our Dermalux Triwave MD; the ONLY LED device on the market to have medical certification for the treatment of psoriasis. The Dermalux Triwave MD can achieve up to 90% -100% clearance and has a Pain Protocol which can help relieve the pain from Psoriatic Arthritis too. Treatments are totally pain-free and quick, usually lasting 20 mins per session! We also provide incredibly powerful home-based treatments eg CellDerma GF5 serum – packed with specific growth factors shown to help with a variety of skin concerns. Please note, that you may need to have a medical consultation with our doctor prior to any condition-specific treatment.