Thankfully, smoking is fast losing its fashion status in modern society. We all know that it is, by far, the single most detrimental lifestyle choice amongst the wider population. I can almost always tell a smoker, the minute they walk into my consultation room, purely from a moment’s look at their skin.
Over 200 toxic chemicals are produced by cigarette smoking, many of which are proven carcinogens (ie can cause cancer). Smoking impacts on every organ in the body and the skin does not shy away from showing signs of damage as a result of this. By the age of 50, most smokers will look approximately 10-15 years older than non-smokers of the same age. Studies of identical twins, where one is a smoker and the other a non-smoker, present a clear visual indication of the damage smoking causes in the skin.
I would estimate that smokers – on average – need double the amount of in-clinic treatments to non-smokers of a similar age (assuming all other relevant co-factors are the same). If you are a smoker and mentally ready to quit, search for your local NHS smoking cessation service. You are 4 times more likely to give up smoking with ongoing support.