What do we mean by stress?

In day-to-day speak, most people use this word to describe a varying degree of undue mental strain.
Most would agree that a small degree of (manageable) stress can help drive our own productivity and act as a positive motivator. However, as this level increases, our coping mechanisms can come under strain. Further increase in “stress” can lead to these mechanisms becoming overwhelmed and thus more significant physical and psychological symptoms eg sleep disturbance, reduced appetite, tearfulness, feeling low. Depression and other mental health conditions can be important considerations and one should seek support and expert advice early on, if life seems to be pushing stress levels higher and higher. In simple terms, if you feel you are not functioning to your full capacity and your mental health is a factor, seek help. This can be from a supportive friend or family member, charity helpline, counsellor, psychotherapist, or GP. There are even online resources one can try.
How does stress affect skin?
Increased stress can impact on sleep quantity and quality.
Visit our SLEEP page to read about how sleep deprivation affects skin health. High stress levels increase inflammation in the skin and this leads to a reduced capacity to fight ongoing damage, thus speeding up the ageing process. Healing takes longer too due to reduced collagen production. Inflammatory conditions can also be exacerbated. Ask anyone with rosacea, seborrhoeic dermatitis, eczema, acne, psoriasis (and many others)…they will tell you that stress flares their condition. Managing stress benefits your physical and mental health, prolongs life and also improves the quality of your relationship with those around you.

How can I takes steps to reduce my stress level, today?

Go on YouTube and find a 5-10 minute class on relaxation breathing or meditation.
Start little and often and work up. Yoga is another great activity for reducing stress and much of the breathing work can be done at home, without having to attend a class.
If your stress levels are higher and you feel a little overwhelmed, seek more active support as mentioned above.