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Dr Dev Patel

“Many of us underestimate the influence factors like nutrition or pollution can have on our skin health”

This section not only covers many of these important elements but also holds some great tips for improving skin quality or losing a few unwanted pounds of fat. We have so much under our control and most of the recommended changes will cost you nothing and many will not only help you but the environment too. Do dip in and out as time allows and I trust that you will reap the rewards. I have written this material based on my many years as a practicing doctor and also personal experience and learning from speaking to other healthcare, nutrition and physical training experts.

— Dr Dev Patel




You DO have control over the health of your body’s largest organ, your skin!

This section aims to cover some of the external factors that can significantly influence the health of your skin. These are interlinked with personal behaviour and how you choose to live your life. Even small changes in your lifestyle to promote better skin health, will not only be beneficial for your body’s health overall, but also mean you need less in-clinic treatments in the long run.

Many environmental factors can be highly damaging to skin health. YOU can control much of this by lessening your exposure and protecting your skin with certain measures. This is a highly cost-effective way of ensuring better health for your skin.




I have written this section of the website based on reading relevant literature, speaking to exercise and nutritional experts and my own clinical experiences over the last 20 years.

Take what you feel may be useful and I am sure you will see gains towards your goals. If you have alternative methods that work for you, don’t let go of these but perhaps you can add some useful tips from this section to your lifestyle.

I would encourage you to subscribe to our YouTube channel or follow us on Facebook and Instagram, as we regularly post useful wellness tips to promote good skin, nail and hair health as well as general physical and mental well-being.

— Dev Patel




Nourish your skin!

It may be a cliché but the saying “you ARE what you EAT” applies to every cell, tissue and organ in your body and this includes the skin. Whatever your health goal, eating healthily WILL help in your endeavour. Dip into this section to get the most out of your daily fuel intake.



Perfect Skin Solutions
