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What to Expect After Polynucleotide Treatment

What to Expect After Polynucleotide Treatment

Polynucleotides, the fundamental components of our DNA, have been adapted into a cutting-edge treatment that promotes skin regeneration, stimulates collagen and elastin production, and improves skin quality.

This exciting treatment is one of the most sought-after options at our clinic, and I’d like to walk you through what happens during the treatment and the essential aftercare steps to follow for optimal results.

what to expect after polynucleotides treatment infographic

What Can Polynucleotide Treatments Help With?

Polynucleotide treatments are incredibly versatile and can tackle a variety of skin concerns:

  • Reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Reviving dull, sun-damaged skin
  • Improving skin tone and reducing redness or rosacea
  • Helping fade scars, pigmentation, and stretch marks
  • Boosting skin hydration and elasticity for a firmer, healthier look

These treatments work well on both the face and body, including delicate areas like the under-eye, hands, and decolletage. Polynucleotides work by supporting your skin’s cellular repair processes, helping it look smoother, tighter, and more vibrant.

What Does Polynucleotide Aftercare Involve?

Polynucleotides aftercare involves letting your skin heal and rejuvenate. The skin boosters will leave you with skin rejuvenation and improve skin elasticity and skin quality. But first, let your skin rest!

After your polynucleotide injections, it’s normal to experience mild swelling or bruising, which usually fades in 1-2 days. Some redness or tiny bumps at the injection sites may appear, but there’s very little downtime, and most people resume their routine immediately. Here’s how you can best support your recovery:

  1. Skip Make-up for 24 Hours
    It’s best to avoid makeup immediately after the treatment. After the first day, you can cover any lingering redness with light makeup if needed.
  2. Hydrate and Avoid Intense Activity
    Drink plenty of water to support skin hydration and healing. Also, avoid heavy exercise for 48 hours to keep sweat and bacteria away from the injection sites.
  3. Use Gentle Skincare
    Keep your skincare routine simple for a couple of days after the treatment. Stay away from active ingredients like acids, AHAs, and retinoids, which could irritate the skin.

If any unexpected side effects occur, such as unusual swelling or reactions, reach out to your practitioner right away for advice.

How Soon Will I See Results?

Since polynucleotide treatments work at a cellular level, it takes time for the full benefits to appear. You’ll start noticing changes like improved skin texture and hydration within a few weeks. By 12 weeks, most patients see a significant improvement, including smoother, brighter, and more lifted skin. The results can last around six months, with maintenance treatments recommended yearly to preserve your skin’s youthful appearance.

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

The number of treatments depends on your specific goals and the areas being treated. Generally, a series of three treatments spaced four to six weeks apart yields the best outcomes. Whether you’re targeting fine lines, skin laxity, or overall skin revitalization, your practitioner will customize a treatment plan tailored to your needs.

Is Polynucleotide Treatment Painful?

Polynucleotide treatments are generally well tolerated. If you have sensitive skin, you may feel some mild discomfort, but overall, it is not a painful treatment.

What are the benefits of polynucleotides treatment?

Polynucleotide treatments address overall skin health, helping to improve skin hydration, improve skin elasticity, and improve skin texture.

Overall skin quality is improved, and polynucleotide treatments can help produce collagen at a cellular level.

How do polynucleotide injections help with reducing fine lines?

Polynucleotides have emerged as a significant innovation in aesthetic medicine, offering a variety of injectable procedures aimed at promoting skin health and rejuvenation. Derived from DNA and RNA molecules, these treatments are designed to work at a cellular level, actively promoting cellular regeneration and improving skin quality. As an innovative treatment, polynucleotide-based therapies help in maintaining skin elasticity, enhancing skin hydration, and supporting the production of essential proteins within the skin. By addressing the underlying structure of skin cells, they contribute to skin revitalisation, making them a sought-after choice for anti-aging treatments.

Are polynucleotide treatments good anti ageing treatments?

One of the key benefits of polynucleotides is their ability to heal sun-damaged skin and promote skin renewal, making them an excellent option for individuals seeking to improve skin elasticity and reduce fine lines. By stimulating skin regeneration, these treatments effectively slow the aging process, supporting overall skin rejuvenation. Compared to traditional dermal fillers and other treatments, polynucleotides stand out for their long-term ability to promote skin rejuvenation rather than simply providing temporary volume. This characteristic is particularly useful in under-eye treatments, where improved skin elasticity and hydration can lead to significant improvements in appearance.

How do they help with skin renewal?

Polynucleotides are often combined with hyaluronic acid, further enhancing skin hydration and making it more resilient against the signs of aging. This makes them an effective skin booster in a wide range of aesthetic treatments, from laser therapy to anti-aging injections. Additionally, their ability to stimulate hair growth adds another layer of versatility to their use in aesthetic medicine. However, it’s important to note that these treatments are not suitable for individuals with active skin infections, as healing could be impaired.

Are there other anti aging treatment options?

In terms of the treatment journey, polynucleotide-based therapies typically begin with an initial treatment, followed by maintenance sessions to achieve the desired outcomes. As an innovative treatment approach, it can be combined with other treatments like laser therapy to further promote skin regeneration and treat fine lines. Overall, these treatments offer a suitable treatment option for those looking to achieve overall skin rejuvenation and reduce fine lines while improving skin elasticity over time.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Does Polynucleotide Treatment Hurt?
Most patients report only mild discomfort during the procedure. The treatment is considered minimally invasive and well-tolerated by most.

2. What Areas Can Be Treated?
You can use polynucleotides on various areas such as the face, neck, hands, abdomen, and thighs. It’s effective in treating fine lines, stretch marks, and even sun-damaged skin.

3. How Do Polynucleotides Improve Skin?
Polynucleotides promote cellular regeneration by enhancing collagen production and skin elasticity. They improve the skin’s ability to repair itself, leading to healthier, more youthful-looking skin.

4. Are There Any Side Effects?
The treatment is generally safe, though some mild swelling, redness, or bruising at the injection sites is common. Serious allergic reactions are rare but possible.

5. How Much Does Polynucleotide Treatment Cost?
The cost can vary based on the treatment area and how many sessions you need. We can provide a full breakdown during your pre-treatment consultation.

6. How Long Do Results Last?
The results typically last for six months or more. Regular maintenance treatments can help keep your skin looking refreshed and rejuvenated.

Polynucleotide treatments are a fantastic way to boost skin health and address common concerns like fine lines, uneven skin tone, and sagging skin. By supporting collagen and elastin production and promoting cellular repair, this treatment helps your skin look firmer, smoother, and more hydrated.

For more information or to book your initial consultation, feel free to contact us and take the first step toward healthier, more radiant skin!





Perfect Skin Solutions
