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3 top anti ageing treatments in Portsmouth

Dr Dev Patel’s 3 top anti ageing treatments in Portsmouth

When it comes to the top anti-ageing treatments in Portsmouth, there are three options which Dr Dev Patel has noticed a sharp increase in enquiries for. In this week’s blog the medical director of Perfect Skin Solutions explains which three skin rejuvenation treatments are currently making waves in the world of aesthetics.


One of the most innovative non-surgical facial rejuvenation treatments available at Perfect Skin Solutions, the OGEE LIFT is one of Dr Dev Patel’s frequently requested new anti ageing treatments in Portsmouth.
“As we age the face’s natural ‘s curve’ collapses as the face loses volume. The OGEE LIFT is a bespoke anti ageing treatment designed to return volume and tone to areas of the face which may have lost their natural volume. It takes around 30 to 40 minutes and can be performed alongside other non-surgical anti-ageing treatments if required. ”

Dermal fillers

Ever popular with celebrities, dermal fillers are one of the most popular and sought-after forms of non-surgical anti-ageing treatment available both in Portsmouth and the UK. There are many different fillers in cosmetic clinics, but Dr Dev Patel uses only non-permanent fillers – and only the most reputable and trusted brands, including Juvederm.
“When used sparingly and correctly, dermal fillers are a reliable and useful tool in helping male and female clients who wish to either smooth and reduce wrinkles, or improve volume in areas of the face which may be lacking natural plumpness due to factors including the ageing process or weight loss. Treatment time is fairly quick and results can last up to 12 to 18 months, making it an increasingly more sought-after form of volumising treatment.”


A relatively new form of anti ageing treatment in Portsmouth, PLEXR is a unique option for patients looking to rejuvenate the face without having to turn to invasive surgical procedures.
“PLEXR offers an effective alternative option to certain surgical procedures including blepharoplasty (surgery for baggy eyelid correction), neck lifts and facelifts. With no injectable anaesthetic required, no cutting of skin and no stitches required, this anti ageing treatment in Portsmouth provides long term skin rejuvenation without the invasive techniques used in surgery. The procedure can take between 10 and 40 minutes depending on what exactly needs addressing, and it’s also bearing in mind that PLEXR can also be used to improve the appearance of acne scarring and hyperpigmentation.”
Dr Dev Patel is one of the pioneering cosmetic doctors who has been offering this type of treatment in clinic, which arrived at Perfect Skin Solutions in 2014.

Get more information about anti ageing treatments in Portsmouth

If you would like more information about any of the non-surgical anti-ageing treatments in Portsmouth you have read about in this blog today, please contact a member of the reception team who will be happy to assist you further.

Alternatively, you can book a consultation to allow you to speak to Dr Dev Patel in person about PLEXR, dermal fillers or the OGEE LIFT. We look forward to meeting you.





Perfect Skin Solutions
