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If you are one of the millions of people who suffer from excess or unwanted hair, you might be thinking of how to achieve smoother, softer skin that no longer needs be maintained by waxing, shaving or other inconvenient or time- inefficient methods

Excess or unwanted hair can be more than just a nuisance for many people. If can cause feelings of self-consciousness, embarrassment and can even change the way someone lives their life, due to the stigma and inconvenience of this condition.

There are so many methods nowadays to remove unwanted hair from the face and the body, Waxing has traditionally been a very popular method as it can give extremely smooth results, but it can be extremely painful and initial results only last a couple of weeks. Shaving is painless but in some cases, needs to be done every day to maintain a smooth look and feel and who has time for that? Hair removal cream can smell awful, is messy to use and can cause allergic reactions on sensitive skins. There are now many at-home devices such as ‘No no’ Hair Removal system, which, although can be effective, is time-costly when it comes back hair removal and if you haven’t got a Willing friend or partner to help you, can be impossible to use, unless Of course, you’re a Contortionist!

Fortunately, at Perfect Skin Solutions, We understand how unwanted or excess hair can affect how you present yourself to the world and are proud to Offer laser hair removal at our clinic, to give you a long-term solution for unwanted and excess hair on many areas Of the face and the body. V/ e have chosen the Harmony XL Pro system as if is virtually painless compared 10 Other lasers, can be used on a variety Of skin types, including tanned skin and is FDA-cleared for a variety Of skin indications, including laser hair removal.

So, What is laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal uses a process where the skin is exposed to pulses of laser light that, over time, destroys the hair follicle, A hand-held device head is placed on the affected area and the selected light pulses penetrate into the hair follicle without affecting the surrounding skin. The area needs to be shaved (not waxed or epilated) for the process to be effective and course of treatment is required. Laser hair removal offers no downtime and can be performed in your lunch hour, So, you can return to your normal daily activities immediately after Over time, you will see the hair grow back thinner and sparser and after a complete, recommended course Of treatment, between 60 to Of unwanted hair can be permanently reduced, the Harmony XL Pro device, an inbuilt cooling system ensures comfort during treatment.

How much does laser hair removal cost?

The cost Will vary depending on the area/s to be treated, as well as your hair type (thicker, courser hair may fake more sessions to see results). For a full list Of prices and Offers on laser hair removal, please see: https// removal/

Laser hair removal is effective on both men and women and many people now choose this method as if is a more permanent Way to dramatically reduce their unwanted or excess hair. so, why not have smoother skin on your New Year’s resolutions list for 2018 so come summer, you’ll be able to show the world your sexy skin and new found confidence.

For more information on laser hair removal. Contact one of our friendly and knowledgeable team on 02392 754 777





Perfect Skin Solutions
