face Treatment
At Perfect Skin Solutions we recognise that we are each very unique in our genetic make up and there may be multiple areas of concern that you have. This is why we have developed the SkinTotal and SkinTotalMD packages, allowing you to address these with the most advanced treatments.
SkinTotal and SkinTotalMD were designed and introduced by our founder and Medical Director, Dr Dev Patel, after he recognised a consistency in the concerns his patients were coming to him for. He knew that one treatment alone is not always enough and that patients could be confused which path to take and in which order.
Facial structure and skin laxity are two key features that can age us. There are many influences for these including lifestyle, genetics and, of course, the ageing process. SkinTotal and SkinTotalMD address both these concerns in one package with a clear treatment plan.
So what’s included in the packages?
There are four elements to each package, the MD comprises a deeper skin laxity treatment for those requiring slightly more help in that area.
- Radiesse – this injectable form of calcium hydroxyapatite restores structure and contour to the face, whilst also stimulating collagen to improve skin quality.
- Sofwave – Perfect for skin tightening, lifting and remodelling.
- UltraClear laser – we have 2 options, depending on your needs:
- SkinTotal package: 3 x UltraClear 3DMiracl sessions for skin rejuvenation.
- SkinTotal MD package: UltraClear full face Advanced or laser coring session for more in depth resurfacing and skin tightening.
- 2 courses of CellDerma GF5 Next Generation Growth factor home treatment (serum) for enhanced skin regeneration and pre and post laser care.
You will receive a full consultation and your treatment plan schedule will be booked for you so you know every step of your journey.

Why choose Perfect Skin Solutions for your SkinTotal?
Led by Dr Patel, Perfect Skin Solutions has the patients best interest at the forefront of everything we do. You know you are in safe hands when you walk through our doors and we are with you every step of your skin journey. Our SkinTotal packages were designed by Dr Patel for our patients who wanted a clear treatment pathway for all their aesthetic needs.
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