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Anti-Wrinkle Injections Myths and Facts

There are a lot of misconceptions around Anti-Wrinkle Injections so we have compiled a list of myths and facts to help you to learn more about your treatments.

MYTH: Anti-Wrinkle Injections are painful
FACT: Discomfort is minimal and brief as the injections are superficial and the needles are thinner than the size typically used to take blood samples.

MYTH: Anti-Wrinkle injections work immediately
FACT: It can take up to three weeks to take full effect, with results lasting up to 6 months.

MYTH: We don’t know the long-term effects
FACT: It has been used since the 1980s.The brands we offer have been widely tested and approved by the FDA.

MYTH: Anyone can get a hold of Botulinum Toxin-A and inject
FACT: As it is a prescription drug, it can only be attained by medical prescribers, anything else may not be safe or effective.

MYTH: It is only used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and crow’s feet
FACT: It can also help with migraines, teeth grinding, excess sweating and gummy smile.

MYTH: Anti-Wrinkle injections give people a frozen look
FACT: This only happens due to overdosage. Expert injectors, such as our doctors and nurse at Perfect Skin Solutions, know how many units should be injected for a natural look.

MYTH: It will remove all wrinkles
FACT: Wrinkles can be categorised into dynamic and static. Dynamic lines happen with facial movements whereas static lines are present even when your face is at rest. Anti-Wrinkle injections treat the overactive muscles which form lines with facial movements, this will help prevent static lines from forming as quickly.

MYTH: Once you start, you cannot stop
FACT: You can stop at any time, and your lines will gradually revert to their pre-treatment or slightly improved appearance. Theoretically, as you will have used the relevant muscles much less during that period, your lines will be slightly softer than they would have been without any treatment.

MYTH: You can’t combine anti-wrinkle injections with other treatments
FACT: Yes you can. Our practitioners will be able to advise you on which treatments you can have on the same day as your anti-wrinkle injections or as part of an ongoing treatment plan.

MYTH: Anti-Wrinkle injections are permanent
FACT: Anti-Wrinkle injections are not a permanent solution as the treatment only provides temporary results, for up to 6 months. Duration of effect is variable from person to person due to factors such as, age, gender, lifestyle and genetics. However, results will usually last 3 to 6 months.

MYTH: Anti-wrinkle injections are only for people in their 40s
FACT: More and more people in their 20s and 30s are having anti-wrinkle injections to slow down their natural ageing process. By having it earlier you can prevent static lines from forming as quickly.

MYTH: Anti-Wrinkle injections and dermal fillers are the same
FACT: No, they are not the same. Anti-wrinkle injections are used to relax the overactive muscles that cause lines to form. Dermal fillers can be used to treat a wide array of concerns, including volume loss, smoker’s/kiss lines and thin lips.

MYTH: BTX-A have a lot of side effects
FACT: BTX-A has been used in medical settings for over 40 years so it is well studied and approved for safety. There are some potential side effects that our skilled practitioners will talk you through.

MYTH: Anti-wrinkle injections are only for women
FACT: Men and women both age and may wish to have a younger appearance. More men are coming around to the use of anti-wrinkle injections. They often have to have a higher dosage due to their stronger facial muscles.

Find out more by asking our doctors at your appointment.





Perfect Skin Solutions
